About Us — ACCS
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About Us

ACCS Mission

Our Mission

The mission of the ACCS is to promote and represent Community and Comprehensive Schools and in particular to assist the Boards of Management of our schools in carrying out their duties. A core element of our mission is to disseminate good educational practice through positive communication with our educational partners.

ACCS Vision

Our Vision

The ACCS's Vision is to lead and support Boards of Management to enable schools to provide equal access to a comprehensive, co-educational, community-based, multi-denominational education. In doing so it aims to contribute towards a just and caring society.


Our Values

The Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) delivers a model of the school for the future leading educational innovation and best practice in a caring and responsive environment, led by local autonomous Boards of Management.


Our Impact

The Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) is the national representative Association for 97 Community and Comprehensive Post-Primary Schools nationwide. Founded on the 26th March, 1982 in Milltown Park, Dublin, ACCS is one of the partners in education that participate actively in national decision making at Post-Primary level.



member schools

The ACCS is the national representative Association for 97 Community and Comprehensive Post-Primary Schools nationwide.



Years Serving communities

Founded on the 26th March, 1982 in Milltown Park, Dublin, ACCS is one of the partners in education that participate actively in national decision making at Post-Primary level. 



school staff supported

The ACCS support over 5700 staff across our 97 member schools including advice and support to schools, negotiation/policy setting and implementation, research, development and training.


About Our Organisation

The Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) delivers a model of the school for the future leading educational innovation and best practice in a caring and responsive environment, led by local autonomous Boards of Management. The ACCS's Vision is to lead and support Boards of Management to enable schools to provide equal access to a comprehensive, co-educational, community-based, multi-denominational education. In doing so it aims to contribute towards a just and caring society.


Structures of ACCS

The Association is governed by an Annual Convention and it operates under the direction of an Executive (Board of Directors). The President is elected by the members at the annual Convention.

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The Association

The ACCS is the national representative Association for 97 Community and Comprehensive Post-Primary Schools nationwide. Founded on the 26th March, 1982 in Milltown Park, Dublin, ACCS is one of the partners in education that participate actively in national decision making at Post-Primary level.

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History of ACCS

Prior to the introduction of the so-called "Free Post-Primary Education Scheme" second level education was clearly divided into two sectors. The voluntary second level schools, most of them owned by religious orders, offered academic studies to students up to Leaving Certificate level, while Vocational/Technical Schools, as their name implied, offered courses which prepared students for the world of work.

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ACCS Services

The ACCS Head Office is the administrative centre through which its General Secretary and Secretariat acts on behalf of its membership. It is the administrative centre for information, research, action and advice. The service provided by the ACCS office staff constitutes a key link with all of the schools within the network.

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Our Vision

“The ACCS's Vision is to lead and support Boards of Management to enable schools to provide equal access to a comprehensive, co-educational, community-based, multi-denominational education. In doing so it aims to contribute towards a just and caring society.”

ACCS Vision Statement / Learn More