ACCS/Info Bulletin 14/24

1.             Circular 0071/2024: Revision to Supervision and Substitution (S&S) Scheme following changes to work practices since the Public Service Stability Agreement 2013 - 2016 (Haddington Road Agreement) – class duration of 40 minutes and/or 1-hour classes 

2.             Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme Review 2024/2025 Survey for Schools

3.             Vetting System Upgrade 

4.             Admission Policy Updates

5.             SEAI Energy in Education Programme: Energy Management Training Courses

6.             One Day Conference for Teachers of Irish Jointly Sponsored by UCC, Cork ETB and COGG – 18th September 2024

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Áine O Sullivan
ACCS/Info Bulletin 13/24

1.    Circular 0055/2024: Publication of Bí Cineálta Procedures to Prevent and Address Bullying Behaviour for Primary and Post-Primary Schools.

2.    Letter from Minister Foley to schools re. Smartphones.

3.    Letter to Principals for the 2024/2025 School Immunisation Programme.

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Áine O Sullivan
Info Bulletin 08/24

Re: Circular: 0041/2024: Guidance in Post-Primary Schools AND Information Note: 0003/2024: in relation to the storage and transfer of guidance-counselling notes. 

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John Irwin
ACCS Info Bulletin 01/24

1 Job-Sharing, Career Breaks, Secondments

2 Extension to Waiver of Abatement of Public Sector Pensions

3 Focus Group for Principals & Deputy Principals–SNA Workforce Dev. Plan

4 FSSU Financial Guidelines

5. Take One Programme

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John Irwin
ACCS/Info Bulletin 19/23

Follow-Ups from ACCS In-School Management Conference:

1.  Reporting Arrangements with TikTok.

2.  Materials referenced at Webwise Workshop.

3.  National Debating Competition.

4.  NACED Annual Conference.

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John Irwin
Info Bulletin 16/23

1.  Note on the relevant person in the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (revised 2023) & Template 1 Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment Template.

2.  Note from NCCA re links and materials available to support the implementation of the new JC SPHE curriculum.

3.  Oide, the DE school support service & communications to schools.

4.  Updated Admission Forms.

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John Irwin
ACCS Info Bulletin 13/23
  • Circular 0028/2023: Updates on the Implementation of the Framework for Junior Cycle 2015, with particular reference to the school year 2023/24. (Published 25th of May 2023).·  

  • Clarification notes for teachers of SPHE on the learning related to 3 sensitive topics within the updated specification - LO 3.6 (gender orientation and gender identity), 3.8 (consent) and 3.10

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John Irwin