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ACCS Information Note: Red level weather warning for Cork and Kerry tomorrow 7th December resulting in school closures.

ACCS wish to bring the attention of schools to a severe weather forecast and warning (Storm Barra) bringing very strong winds and spells of heavy rain across Ireland tomorrow, which will impact some schools.

 Met Eireann has issued a Red level weather warning for severe and potentially damaging winds in Cork and Kerry and continues to have orange and yellow warnings in place countrywide. Schools ought to be cautious, and always bear in mind that a status orange is a potential status red at any point in time.

Where a Status Red weather warning is in place, schools should not open and school transport will not be in operation during this period. This warning applies to schools in Cork and Kerry tomorrow 7th December, 2021.

ACCS advise Principals to contact the Chairperson of the Board to confirm the school closure and subsequently notify staff, parents and students through the normal channels. 

John Irwin, General Secretary, ACCS